I finally have an interview. It is for another teaching position in Japan. The interview takes place in L.A. in a little over two weeks time. I therefore have a list of things to accomplish between then and now. These are the major points to complete:
- I have to prepare a lesson plan. Part 1 of the interview is a role playing exercise where I demonstrate the lesson I have prepared.
- I need to find frequently asked interview questions to practice.
- I should re-write my resume as the one I sent the firm is directed at international financial service positions and not teaching.
- I need to arrange flights, transportation, and other logistics.
If all works out, I think that I will return to Japan around September. The work visa apparently takes 2-3 months to obtain. I think that would be excellent timing. I could enjoy the summer with friends and family, finish some projects, and organize what I am leaving behind.
Wish me luck!
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