Wacky Wednesdays are dedicated to whatever subject, no matter how random, I feel like discussing. Today's theme is ups and downs.
As you may have noticed, I did not post Monday or yesterday. Honestly, on Monday my head was feeling a bit fuzzy and not 100%, and Tuesday turned into an almost all day migraine. Yuck! As such, I could not even look at my computer screen without feeling nauseous and having my brain screaming at me.
I believe that my recent onset of headaches and migraines is caused by a tooth. I have experienced this previously, right before I needed a root canal. It seems absolutely crazy to me that such a small thing like a tooth can cause so much agony. Health is a large contributing factor to these ups and downs. I try to be healthy, but know that it's a far cry from everything I should be doing to optimally maintain myself. Therefore, I made myself a dental appointment to get another crown done next week, perhaps eliminating all of these migraines.
I try to maximize productivity on my good days and minimize the melancholy on my bad days. I have my ebbs and flows, ups and downs, but I try to never let it stop me from accomplishing my goals. If I start making excuses, I will not strive as much as I can. I will falter. But, I am only human and I try not to be too hard on myself when I fall short. It's all about determination and persistence.
I can do it!!! Even if I'm down, I'll be back up soon enough fighting even harder!
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