I called 5 recruiting firms today all located in Boston. I left 2 voicemails, talked to 2 "consultants" (aka recruiter), and submitted my resume on one's website per the person I spoke to on the phone. Apparently, it will be about 3 business days before I hear anything on that.
Turning our attention to my immediate feedback, the gentleman I spoke with at one firm told me that basically the investments industry only seems to be recruiting for people that currently employed (no lapse of employment in general unless there is a valid reason). But, I shouldn't think that hiring isn't picking up. Rather, if an organization is paying $10-20k (his figures), then that poached person better be worth the premium.
Therefore, I need to apply on my own. I'm already doing that.
Next step: networking. I already mentioned this, but the gentleman told me it was my best shot. His advice: LinkedIn. I'll try that angle more. I am also researching what firms exist in Boston that may be of interest to me.
If anyone out there in blog-o-land knows anything, please hit me up!
*PS In case you're wondering why I felt compelled to say that this challenge of finding a job is on like Donkey Kong! As an MBA, we understand the credo "You cannot manage what you do not measure." Thus, I was compelled to say that I am documenting my experience, but it just doesn't always show up in the blog as it perhaps should.
**PSS Analytics on my own job search. (I am a nerd!)
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